“The Last Pig” – non uccido più i miei maiali

Ecco un altro interessante progetto in cui si evidenziano i diritti degli animali.
Questa è la storia di un allevatore di suini che decide cambiare vita e smettere di portare gli animali al macello.
Il film è in pre produzione ed ha bisogno di fondi per essere completato.
A questo link trovate il trailer: https://vimeo.com/131246935
Questo è il link per fare una donazione di supporto: http://www.thelastpig.com/?page_id=1510


THE LAST PIG journeys into the life of a pig farmer as he grapples with death, searches for compassion, and finally finds the courage to change.

For over a decade, Bob Comis has provided a humane—even idyllic—life for the pigs he farms. But as he tends to his charges, he develops a closeness that begins to haunt him, and his weekly trips to the slaughterhouse become agonizing . With 250 pigs on the farm, Comis suddenly finds himself trapped by his past.

Through this personal journey, THE LAST PIG raises crucial questions about equality, the value of compassion and the sanctity of life. Comis’ soul-bearing narrative carries us through his final year of farming pigs, the struggle to reinvent his life, and the ghosts that will haunt him forever.

It is our hope that THE LAST PIG will help propel a shift in our society’s relationship to non-human beings and our capacity for compassion.

Watch “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” streaming or DVD

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.

Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged.

As Andersen approaches leaders in the environmental movement, he increasingly uncovers what appears to be an intentional refusal to discuss the issue of animal agriculture, while industry whistleblowers and watchdogs warn him of the risks to his freedom and even his life if he dares to persist.

As eye-opening as Blackfish and as inspiring as An Inconvenient Truth, this shocking yet humorous documentary reveals the absolutely devastating environmental impact large-scale factory farming has on our planet, and offers a path to global sustainability for a growing population.

watch the movie here

Subtitle languages on the DVDs: English, English Closed Captioning, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Hindi, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, and Estonian.

For the digital downloads we have: English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Hindi, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Slovak, and Estonian.

Coming soon, for the digital downloads: Czech, Turkish, and Hebrew

Press QUOTES & Praise

“Cowspiracy may be the most important film made to inspire saving the planet.

— Louie Psihoyos, Oscar-Winning Director of “The Cove”

“A documentary that will rock and inspire the environmental movement.

— Darren Aronofsky, director of “Noah”

“★ ★ ★ ★ ★! A fresh take. Few films are brave enough to tackle a topic this controversial.

— Examiner.com

“[Andersen] pulls no punches and makes no apologies: ‘The future of our planet is being destroyed by this industry.’ Hard to argue with the data.

— The Huffington Post

“Producers Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn have teamed up to do what Blackfish is currently doing to Sea World.

— James McWilliams, Author and Writer

“Cowspiracy really makes one connect the dots. It’s an undeniable, statistical tour-de-force!

— Shaun Monson, Director of “Earthlings”

“I hope that every single person on Earth sees this critical documentary.

— Julieanna Hever, Author & Dietitian

Orologi GPS TomTom RUNNER 2 musica al tuo polso

TomTom rilascerà ad Ottobre 2015 i nuovi orologi da polso GPS TomTom Spark.
Al momento dal sito le specifiche tecniche non sono disponibili ma l’attenzione viene portata sulla nuova funzione di riproduzione musicale tramite auricolari Bluetooth. Sembra che l’orologio potrà contenere fino a 500 canzoni.
Il sensore CARDIO sarà disponibile anche nei nuovi modelli.
Aggiunta la 24/7 Activity Tracking con il conteggio dei passi.
Clicka sull’immagine per andare alla pagina TomTom con video introduttivo.

Screenshot 2015-09-03 14.32.07

A presto con maggiori dettagli!

Il sale agisce sul cervello come le droghe

Uno studio pubblicato a Luglio 2011 dal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” spiega come l’uso di sale venga processato dal nostro cervello creando sensazioni di pacere e dipendenza (link PNAS) simili a quelle indotte dal consumo di stupefacenti.
Questo potrebbe aiutarci a capire come mai una alimentazione che comprende cibi salati sia spesso correlata ad una dieta instabile che porta ad un aumento del peso corporeo. Il senso di piacere stimola il cervello a richiedere altro sale che viene associato di conseguenza al cibo portandoci a continuare a mangiare anche se già sazi.
Mangiare salato incrementa inoltre la nostra ritenzione idrica che ci crea quel fastidioso senso di gonfiore.
Eliminando il sale si otterrà una immediata sensazione di leggerezza e la perdita di qualche kilo, se poi associato ad una alimentazione a base di frutta ed attività fisica il gioco è fatto!

Un consumo eccessivo di sale contribuisce alla generazione di malattie come ipertensione, osteoporosi ed obesità.

Scoprire ed imparare ad usare spezie naturali può aiutare a rendere i piatti più interessanti e saporti senza necessariamente ricorrere all’utilizzo del sale.

Ciao :)